How does this affect you as a Rosslee resident?
Rosslee’s property rental division, Rosslee Administrasie, is subscribed to TPN Credit Bureau. Your payment history data automatically updates the data servers of TPN, which could be either highly beneficial or seriously detrimental to your credit score.
How does it work?
There are five different classifications on your TPN credit report.
As per your lease agreement, your rent payment should be reflecting in our bank account by the 1st of each month.
If this is the case, your profile for that month will be updated with POT (Paid on time).
If your payment reflects between the 2nd and 7th of the month, your profile will be updated with GP (Grace period) for that month.
If you have only paid a portion of your rent, even if you are marginally short, your credit profile will reflect PP (partially paid).
If your payment reflects in our bank account between the 7th and date of data transfer to TPN, your profile would reflect PL (paid late).
If your payment does not reflect in our bank account by the time our system uploads data to the TPN servers, which is usually on the 8th of each month, your profile will reflect DNP (Did not pay).
Please note that your proof of payment does not have any bearing on when your payment is uploaded onto our system. Due to many fraudulent activities, we only acknowledge your payment once it reflects in our bank account.
What if I am applying for a unit?
Whether you are applying for a unit at Rosslee for the first time or if you want to transfer to a new unit, the application process stays exactly the same. A TPN credit record will be obtained, which includes a TransUnion and Experian report.
If your credit profile is riddled with any colour except green, your chances of being successful in your application diminish with every shade closer to red.
Remember that a bad credit profile not only lessens your chances of tenancy at any of the other 150 000+ TPN accredited institutions but will definitely have a negative effect on your applications for loans, interest rate reviews, and even job opportunities.
There is a new shade of green in town. The healthy-credit-profile-green!
Sign up for our debit order program to ensure that you do not forget to pay your rent/levy on time.
Get your free credit record checks here:
TPN: 0861 876 000 or send an email to
If you have any further questions or queries on the topic above, kindly contact Christél on 011 9072645 during office hours, or send an email to